Here is Kayley and her gigantic Barbie house. I just about killed myself dragging that thing up three flights of stairs, but she sure is enjoying having it in her room! You may be able to see the tiny Barbie Imacs in the picture! LOL! Troy was appalled, but I guess Mattel thought they looked cool.
(By the way, the day I took this picture, I had just finished trimming Kayley's bangs - and they look pretty damn good, don't they? They're no more crooked than they are when I pay the stylist $15.00 to do them. Hooray for me.)
As you can see, Kayley is terribly deprived. Some details she wants me to point out:
- The calender on the wall has Austin Powers and Felicity Shagwell on it.
- She has a new purple telephone so she can call Grandma.
- She has framed pictures of her best friends on her desk.
- She got a Poochie dog for her birthday and a pink furry Hello Kitty box and you can see them both on her bookcase.
- Grandpa got her desk at an auction and worked for months welding it back together, painting it, and staining it for her 1st birthday. Well, I wanted to point that out, not Kayley.
- Her preschool diploma is hanging on the wall and she's VERY proud of it.
- Grandma got her a Hello Kitty CD player and it's on her nightstand. (With a Britney Spears CD in it at this very moment.
- Her "brother" Jonathon is sitting on her bed, right on top of her pillow.
This is Kayley's collectible Barbie shelf. Her Nan gets her a Holiday Barbie for Christmas every year. This shelf holds all the stuff Kayley's not supposed to play with. ![]()
This would be Kayley's dresser - which I slaved over. We bought it used (as we did ALL her furniture) and it was an attractive shade of Tic Tac-green. It took me forever to sand that green paint off. The knobs are little bugs. Very cute. And you can also see Kayley's fish tank and her basket of Beanie Babies. And she made that kite on the wall at school.
Well, this was the reason I had the camera out! I wanted to snap some pictures of our new carpet. Isn't it pretty? I'm going to be EXTREMELY bummed the first time I have to scrape Play Doh out of it or clean up a soda spill. We've instituted a NO ANYTHING! rule for her bedroom. Well, she can take ice water in there, but that's it.So, there you have it! This is Kayley's room - neato, eh? She loves it, and so do I. Having a girl is so much fun.
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